How has tax policy impacted you? Stories from local residents.
Randy Gonce
“There are a lot of reasons why Hawaiʻi families are just a step away from financial disaster. Unfair and overly burdensome state taxes shouldn’t be one of them.”
Heather Kimball
“I was able to get help when I needed it, which allowed us to be employers in our community today. I am happy to pay it forward, to help someone who needs a little help now .”
Rev. David Gierlach
“Tax credits—the ones he gets now from the federal government—help them keep body and soul together. They need additional help.”
Alani Jamile
“I hope our elected representatives will support the tax credits that can help students like me graduate on time and become the leaders of the future that the community needs.”
Roger Epstein
“The wealthiest get state tax deductions at higher federal rates… In effect, the feds absorb some of the cost of the increased state tax on the wealthiest.”
Pat Gozemba
“Tax breaks in Hawaiʻi go to the wealthy, who pay only 8 percent of their income in state and local taxes, while low-income earners pay 13 percent. This is totally unfair.”
Will Caron
“It’s as plain as day that the inequity between the highest one percent and the bottom—working poor people—is much too large of a gap, and we need to do something about that.